Saturday, April 9, 2011


I'm not quite sure what it means to have an 'ode to something, but I feel that I should have an 'ode to this day.  Not often enough do I get the feeling of complete contentment.  I had this feeling today, this beautiful Saturday.  First off we slept in and woke up to rain (I think stormy, cloudy, rainy days are the best so you can imagine my excitement!) Andrew made a delicious breakfast of omelets and bacon, and it started to SNOW! yes, I said snow.  I tried to take pictures, but they were small flakes and wouldn't show up on the camera.  Nonetheless it snowed here in Page.  It gets better here everday!  We watched a movie until Andrew had to go to work.  I was able to clean (my favorite thing to do!) do laundry, primary lesson, and watch Cosby show re-runs.  I love the feeling when your house is clean and stuff is done and you feel like you can tackle the new week. Days like these make me happy.  Some things I've noticed about myself today that I feel like I should share are:
     1. I love making lists; just for the simple satisfaction of crossing things off them.
     2. When I cook/bake I pretend I'm the host of my own show and I narrrate.
     3. I love Disney movies.  They are clean, entertaining and make me cry.
     4. I have exactly one dance move
     5. I love to clean and that's an understatement.
     6. I judge a movie on it's soundtrack.
     7. I have addictions: Cosby show re-runs, Ms. PacMan and sprinkles
     8. I am grateful for the outdoors
     9. I'm simple
Days like these are refreshing in so many ways. I am grateful for this day, for my amazing husband and all his hard work, and to know who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Disney movies always make me think of you....oh that beloved little mermaid!! I too love that clean accomplished feeling:) I love my list too Ben hates them because they are mostly for him! Take Care!
