Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So blogging isn't so bad after all.  I'm starting to get the hang of it.  Andrew says I just have to put my feelings into words, so here it goes. 
Days are long when we work and so short when there is time to have fun.  I've noticed lately that there truly is nothing better than spending a beautiful afternoon with my best friend.  He makes me laugh and feel like I'm the only person in the world.  I am so extremely grateful for the man in my life.  
Work keeps us so busy, sometimes I wonder why we moved to a place so beautiful to spend all our time inside offices.  Don't get me wrong our jobs are great.  I for one love my job at the Eye doctor, but there comes a time when one wonders why we spend our time here in mortality working.  Maybe it is the relationships we develop or the opprotunity it gives us to share the gospel and grow, regardless I am the first one to express ThanKs for a day off to be yourself and enjoy. 

1 comment:

  1. thanks for starting a blog so we can see how you guys are doing. Very cool main picture!
